Thursday, April 14, 2011

365 Days of Soap

Back in February I watched a lecture by an artist named Noah who has a book about making something everyday for a year. He talked about how it helped his creativity. You can find more info on him at

I decided to take on this challenge, and make a different soap everyday for a year. Here you can see my interview if you scroll down to April 3rd, I've only been doing the project for a little while, and I have already learned so much. It takes a lot of commitment, and I applaud all who can complete this task with out any altering. I on the other hand have a very busy life, and tons of stuff always comes up. So I learned that I've got to keep going, and it okay for me to make adjustments. I'll try my hardest to stay on track, and I hope you enjoy all my new creations :)

Also, many of my soaps will be available for purchase at my shop, Soaps and Such by Holly.

If you would like to follow my project more closely, I update daily on my facebook fan page

Thanks so much,

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