These super cute soaps are very easy to make, just make sure you work quickly before your soap gets too hard. I apologize that my photos are not the best quality for this tutorial, I was trying to work fast lol.
You need:
White Soap
Light Brown/Yellow soap
Silicone Bread Pan
Silicone Jelly Roll Pan
Round Cookie Cutter
Step one: Fill the bottom of a silicone bread pan with white soap, about a 1/4 of an inch high. Let dry while you fill a silicone jelly roll pan about 1/4 inch high with light brown/yellow colored soap.
Step two: Cut the white soaps into strips that look like paper, mine were about 3 x 1/2 inches.
Step three: Take the light brown/yellow soap out of the jelly roll pan while its dry, yet still flexible. Cut out 4 circles using a round cookie cutter.
Step four: Lay a strip of "paper" in the middle of the circle, just under the halfway line.
Step five: Fold the circle in half in one direction, then half again in the other direction.
Wa la, you have fortune cookie soaps :)
To learn how to make these, I looked up a real fortune cookie recipe. Here's a link if you would like to check it out!
These cute favors I recently made for a wedding that was being held on the beach in San Diego. The seashells were the perfect shape to use for this party. To make these favors, or similar ones you will needs: 9 inch pre-cut circles of tulle, seashell or other shaped soaps (available at Soaps and Such by Holly), and ribbon ( I cut mine about 8 inches long).
First lay your soap a little above the center of one of your circles of tulle.
Now Gather the tulle at the top of the soap.
Tie a ribbon around the gathered tulle.
Now finish it off with by tying the ribbon in a little bow, and wa la you have a beautiful party favor :)
I hope you have fun making these pretty favors! If making favors isn't your thing you can still have them at your party by going to my shop under the "assembled party favors" section :)